Eligibility Criteria
Each year, the Blaustein, Hirschhorn and Rosenberg foundations award over 500 grants across a variety of program areas and geographic locations. Please read about their specific priorities under each foundation’s page and Frequently Asked Questions to assess if there is a potential fit for your organization. Before submitting a Proposal, we encourage you to contact a Program Officer using the Contact form so that they can advise you about a potential submission.
Nonprofit Status
Grantees must be nonprofit organizations with tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code, organized and operated for charitable purposes. Organizations with fiscal sponsors or agents are also eligible to apply.
Geographic Location
Each foundation has a different set of geographic priorities. The information provided on each foundation page describes its program areas, funding priorities and geographic focus.
The foundations do not provide support for:
- Grants or scholarships to individuals
- Unsolicited proposals for academic, scientific or medical research
- Direct mail, annual giving and membership campaigns, special events and fundraising events
The foundations make a small number of capital grants, generally only when there is an established relationship with the applicant organization.
Guidelines for Proposals
Typically, grant seekers submit proposals electronically after corresponding with a Program Officer via the Contact form to assess their potential fit with one of the foundations. A Program Officer will respond and can provide the correct email address for a proposal. You may also submit your materials to our office at One South Street, Suite 2900, Baltimore, MD 21202.
Each of the foundations meets independently two or three times a year to consider requests. Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis and will be acknowledged within three weeks of receipt. Each of the foundations will consider requests for general support as well as project proposals. Please note that while we welcome your inquiries and submissions, the foundations receive many more requests for support than they can fund.